FROM Clark Ashton Smith
TO August Derleth


Thanks for the help, but Smith experienced a burst of energy and working to sell his stories (rejected by Farnsworth Wright) to Dorothy McIlwraith, as well as his sculptures; on the dancer Madelynne Green and her husband Eric Baker, Smith's poem "Witch-Dance" (illustrated by Hannes Bok in Weird Tales); Smith sending the tear-sheets and a biographical note (not mentioning his refusal to accept a Guggenheim scholarship to study at the University of California, or his eight years of tuberculosis which got him out of the draft in 1917).

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Preceded By 023-0233 Letters of Clark Ashton Smith and August Derleth Followed by 023-0236
Preceded By 023-0234 Selected Letters of Clark Ashton Smith Followed By 023-0236
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