FROM Clark Ashton Smith
TO Robert H. Barlow


Apologies for the delay in his reply to Barlow's last letter; thanks for the copy of Dragon-Fly and sorry to hear of Barlow's troubles; urging Barlow not to hurry about Incantations (as there are plenty of copies of Ebony and Crystal and The Double Shadow and Other Stories left); including a copy of "Song of the Necromancer" and praise for Barlow's elegy "R.E.H." in the latest Weird Tales; a synopsis of Smith's projected play The Fugitives; Smith gives permission to Barlow to use "The Third Episode of Vathek"; on Smith's recent poetry and efforts at creating casts for some of his sculptures. Postscript: enclosing David Warren Ryder's "The Price of Poetry" (with mention of George Sterling), and ask to forward it to H. P. Lovecraft.

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