FROM Clark Ashton Smith
TO Donald Wandrei


Sorry to hear of Wandrei's recent illness; on Smith's mother's illness and Smith's own lapse in correspondence; on Wandrei's "The Destorying Horde" in Weird Tales and criticism of Farnsworth Wright's selection (comparing WT to Dime Mystery and Horror Stories); Smith having heard from Lovecraft (who is again visiting R. H. Barlow), August Derleth, and Carl Jacobi; some advice on women (referencing Lafcadio Hearn); no literary news, though Smith is writing again; on Smith's experiments in sculpting.

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Preceded By 023-0193 Letters of Clark Ashton Smith and Donald Wandrei Followed by 023-0201
Preceded By 023-0195 Selected Letters of Clark Ashton Smith Followed By 023-0197
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