FROM Clark Ashton Smith
TO Donald Wandrei


Apologies for delay in replying to Wandrei's last letter; on Wandrei's California trip and visiting the Sullys'; on Wandrei's New Year visit with Frank Belknap Long, Samuel Loveman, and the rest of the Kalems; asking for tips on F. Orlin Tremaine's revived Astounding Stories, and Smith's latest fiction efforts ("The Treader of the Dust," "Necromancy in Naat," and "The Black Abbot of Puthuum"); asking after Wandrei's play (with reference to Helen V. Sully); Smith received a copy of Grillot de Givry's Witchcraft, Magic & Alchemy) and bought Montague Summer's Victorian Ghost Stories; disparagement of the latest Weird Tales, and hoping C. L. Moore would write a new story; on weather and flora in Auburn; asking after Wandrei's poetry; Smith and his parents extend their good wishes. Postscript: Regards to Howard Wandrei, Frank Belknap Long, Samuel Loveman, etc.

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