FROM Clark Ashton Smith
TO Donald Wandrei


Thanks for the loan of Dreams after Sunset by Francis S. Saltus, and Smith never having heard of his Shadows and Ideals, though he has a copy of The Bayadère and Other Sonnets (and recommending the Collected Sonnets of Lloyd Mifflin); Smith not having seen Baudelaire's Les Paradis Artificiels, which he believes is in part a translation of De Quincey's "Confessions of an English Opium Eater" (based on the remarks of F. P. Sturm); Smith has not heard of Robert Chinault Givler, but he has seen J. U. Nicolson's King of the Black Isles, and notes it was slated by Harriet Monroe of Poetry; on the costs of printing a pamphlet of the sort Smith is considering; on the inadequate praise for Ebony & Crystal, noting Benjamin de Casseres review (versus that of the local Methodists); on the praise for Smith's Baudelaire translations, and enclosing "La Fontaine de Sang," which gave Smith trouble.

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Preceded By XXX-0047 Letters of Clark Ashton Smith and Donald Wandrei Followed by 023-0073
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