023-0072 | |
FROM Clark Ashton Smith | |
TO Donald Wandrei | |
25-Aug-1925 |
Thanks for the loan of Dreams after Sunset by Francis S. Saltus, and Smith never having heard of his Shadows and Ideals, though he has a copy of The Bayadère and Other Sonnets (and recommending the Collected Sonnets of Lloyd Mifflin); Smith not having seen Baudelaire's Les Paradis Artificiels, which he believes is in part a translation of De Quincey's "Confessions of an English Opium Eater" (based on the remarks of F. P. Sturm); Smith has not heard of Robert Chinault Givler, but he has seen J. U. Nicolson's King of the Black Isles, and notes it was slated by Harriet Monroe of Poetry; on the costs of printing a pamphlet of the sort Smith is considering; on the inadequate praise for Ebony & Crystal, noting Benjamin de Casseres review (versus that of the local Methodists); on the praise for Smith's Baudelaire translations, and enclosing "La Fontaine de Sang," which gave Smith trouble.
Cited By
Included In
- Selected Letters of Clark Ashton Smith (unabridged)
Preceded By XXX-0047 | Letters of Clark Ashton Smith and Donald Wandrei | Followed by 023-0073 |
Preceded By 023-0071 | Selected Letters of Clark Ashton Smith | Followed By 023-0073 |