FROM Clark Ashton Smith
TO George Sterling


On the difficulties and errors of printing and binding Ebony & Crystal; on a review in the Argonaut; copies being sent to Prof. William Allison of the University of Manitoba (who had reviewed The Star-Treader), Alfred Galpin for The New Republic, and possibly Benjamin de Casseres (with Smith deciding not to bother H. L. Mencken or The Bookman, due to rejections); asking for the write-up in the San Francisco Examiner. Postscript promising to send mistletoe and toyon.

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Preceded By 023-0275 Letters of Clark Ashton Smith and George Sterling Followed by 026-0277
Preceded By 023-0058 Selected Letters of Clark Ashton Smith Followed By 023-0060
Preceded By 026-0275 Shadow of the Unattained Followed By 026-0277
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