FROM H. P. Lovecraft
TO Helen V. Sully


On St. John's churchyard (with vampires, Samuel Loveman, H. Warner Munn, and W. Paul Cook), on French Canadians seguing back into talk on Quebec, seguing in turn into a discussion against religion (particularly Christianity, with reference to George Moore), on modern youth and the tradition of hypocrisy seguing into a discussion of rationality and decadence (concerning good and evil, morality and ethics, and materialism), moving into a discussion on love and affection (with reference to Ovid's Ars Amatoria, Sigmund Freud, and marriage), and a quote from Milton.

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Preceded By 000-0649 Letters of H. P. Lovecraft and Helen V. Sully Followed By 000-0683
Preceded By 000-0655 Selected Letters of H. P. Lovecraft Followed By 000-0657
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