FROM H. P. Lovecraft
TO Robert E. Howard


Thanks for the condolences on Lovecraft's aunt's death; a lengthy discussion on their divergence of interests in antiquity (Lovecraft for Rome and civilization, Howard for Celts and barbarianism); on violence in contemporary America (continuing their East versus West argument); on the possibility of the supernatural (and religion in particular); more on alcohol (seguing into a discussion of civilization, with reference to H. G. Wells' The Time Machine, and then back with Lovecraft expressing sympathy for Howard having to work as a soda-jerk) and on being a teetotaler, seguing into the drinking habits of Celts vs. Nordics; on the Tartars and Eastern Europeans (in reference to a Slovene Communist organizer that Howard met); glad the picnic didn't involve any heavy casualties; on police torture of suspects, seguing back to the ideology of the frontier, lawlessness, and famous Southwestern outlaws as portrayed by Howard; on the fine line of grue in writing; on glorifying Oriental monarchs and nations at the expense of Western nations; on the "bonus army" and its dispersal in Washington D.C.; on legislation against monopolies; on cold; on Howard and Donald Wandrei; on Harold Farnese wishing to set two of Lovecraft's "Fungi from Yuggoth" sonnets to music ("Mirage" and "Elder Pharos"); Lovecraft having made several trips to Newport and Boston, and hoping to get up to Montreal and Quebec.

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Preceded By 033-0193 Letters of H. P. Lovecraft and Robert E. Howard Followed By 032-0062
Preceded By 033-0193 A Means to Freedom Followed By 032-0062
Preceded By 000-0560 Selected Letters of H. P. Lovecraft Followed By 000-0562
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