FROM H. P. Lovecraft
TO Elizabeth Toldridge


An account of Lovecraft's trip to New York and Virginia (Williamsburg, Richmond and the Edgar Allan Poe Shrine), on his philosophy and various influences, on Machen's fiction, on "Cats and Dogs," on the Boston witch and Maine wizard, on Modernism, on "A Garden," on the Radcliffe notes, on a storm, on Toldridge's poems "The Birth of Eros" and "Pandora's Gift," on the cutting Toldridge had sent.

Two pages in the Selected Letters on important poets (especially Keats, but references to several others) and prominent foreign and classical authors, and on The Bridge of San Luis Rey, are not included in the Letters to Elizabeth Toldridge & Anne Tillery Renshaw, and appear to be from a different letter entirely.

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Preceded By 000-0352 Letters of H. P. Lovecraft and Elizabeth Toldridge Followed By 000-0355
Preceded By 000-0352 Letters to Elizabeth Toldridge & Anne Tillery Renshaw Followed By 000-0355
Preceded By 000-0353 Selected Letters of H. P. Lovecraft Followed By 000-0355
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