The Lovecraft Collectors Library
The Lovecraft Collectors Library
George T. Wetzel (Ed.), R. Alain Everts (2nd ed.), Robert E. Briney (2nd ed.)
1952-1955, North Tonawanda, NY: SSR Publications.


Originally published as a series of seven pamphlets in the 1950s, The Lovecraft Collectors Library is a collection of relatively obscure and important Lovecraftiana - including many essays, poems, photographs, and stories that had been unpublished or rarely known in HPL's lifetime, as well as early scholarship and literary criticism of Lovecraft and his work. Later reprinted and bound, with some additional material, by the Strange Company in 1979.


Volume I: Selected Essays

  1. Poetry and the Gods, 5-10
  2. Idealism and Materialism—A Reflection, 11-18
  3. A Confession of Unfaith, 19-22
  4. Nietscheism and Realism, 23-26

Volume II: Selected Essays

  1. The Street, 5-8
  2. A Descent to Avernus, 9-10
  3. The Brief Autobiography of an Inconsequential Scribbler, 11-12
  4. Anglo-Saxondom, 13-14
  5. Revolutionary Mythology, 15-16
  6. The Trip of Theobold, 17-18
  7. The Alchemist, 19-25

Volume III: Selected Poetry

  1. Bells, 5-6
  2. The Voice, 7-8
  3. On the Death of a Rhyming Critic, 9-10
  4. Monos; an Ode, 11
  5. Inspiration, 12
  6. Hylas and Myrrha, a Tale, 13-17
  7. Ambition, 17
  8. The Bookstall, 18-20
  9. On Receiving a Picture of Swans, 20
  10. To Edward Plunkett, Baron Dunsany, 21-22
  11. To Mr. Lockhart, on his Poetry, 23
  12. Autumn, 24-25
  13. Iterum Conjunctae, 26
  14. To the Eighth of November, 27
  15. The Pensive Swain, 28

Volume IV: Selected Poetry

  1. A Cycle of Verse, 5-6
  2. Ver Rusticum, 7-9
  3. Earth and Sky, 10
  4. Prologue, 11
  5. Solstice, 11
  6. The Garden, 12
  7. Nathicana, 13-15
  8. The Poet of Passion, 15
  9. Lines for Poets' Night at the Scribblers Club, 15-17
  10. Cindy: Scub Lady in a State Street Skyscraper, 18
  11. The Dead Bookworm, 18-19
  12. Ave Atque Vale, 20-21
  13. The Dream, 22-23
  14. Ye Ballade of Patrick von Flynn, 24-25
  15. Pacifist War Song—1917, 26
  16. The Nymph's Reply to the Modern Business Man, 27
  17. Grace (and Ward Phillips Replies), 27
  18. To Greece, 1917, 28-29
  19. Lines on the 25th Anniversary of the Providence Evening News, 30-31
  20. Fact and Fancy, 32

Volume V: The Amateur Journalist

  1. The Simple Spelling Mania, 5-6
  2. The President's Message, 7-10
  3. Amateur Criticism, 11-12
  4. The Symphonic Ideal, 13-14
  5. The Professional Incubus, 15-18
  6. A Reply to the Lingerer, 19-20
  7. Concerning "Persia—In Europe'', 21-22
  8. Les Mouches Fantastiques, 23-24
  9. Looking Backwards (Abridged Version), 25-35

Volume VI: Commentaries

  1. Idiosyncrasies of H.P.L. by E. A. Edkins, 5-7
  2. A Few Memories by James F. Morton, 8-9
  3. Ave Atque Vale! by Edward H. Cole, 10-17
  4. The Cthulhu Mythos: A Study by George T. Wetzel, 18-27
  5. The Lord of R'lyeh by Matthew H. Onderdonk, 18-37

Volume VII: Bibliographies

  1. Amateur Press Works compiled by George Wetzel, v-17
  2. Professional Works and Miscellany by Robert E. Briney, 18-43

Works Cited

See individual articles.

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