Lovecraft A Study In The Fantastic
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Lovecraft: A Study in the Fantastic | |
Maurice Lévy, trans. S. T. Joshi | |
1988 Detroit, MI: Wayne State University Press |
Original title Lovecraft ou de fantastique (1985, Christian Bourgois Editeur). A critical analysis of the themes in the fiction of H. P. Lovecraft, with an approach that puts emphasis on how Lovecraft's philosophy and biography influenced his writing, and the lessons this holds for fantasy fiction. Translated from the French by S. T. Joshi.
- Translator's Preface, 7-8
- Author's Preface, 9-10
- Introduction, 11-16
- The Outsider, 17-34
- Dwellings and Landscapes, 35-44
- The Metamorphoses of Space, 45-54
- The Horrific Bestiary, 55-62
- The Depths of Horror, 63-72
- The Horrors of Heredity, 73-78
- Cthulhu, 79-86
- Unholy Cults, 87-96
- In the Chasms of Dream, 97-108
- From Fable to Myth, 109-116
- Conclusion, 117-120
- Abbreviations, 121
- Notes, 123-134
- Bibliography, 135-142
- Index, 143-147
Works Cited
Books In English
- At the Mountains of Madness and Other Novels
- Beyond the Wall of Sleep
- Commonplace Book
- Collected Poems
- Dagon and Other Macabre Tales
- The Dark Brotherhood and Other Pieces
- The Dunwich Horror and Others
- The Fantastic in Literature
- H. P. L.: A Memoir
- H. P. Lovecraft: A Critical Study
- H. P. Lovecraft: An Introduction to His Life and Writings
- H. P. Lovecraft and Lovecraft Criticism: An Annotated Bibliography
- H. P. Lovecraft: Four Decades of Criticism
- H. P. Lovecraft: His Life, His Work
- H. P. Lovecraft: New England Decadent
- The Horror in the Museum and Other Revisions
- Howard Phillips Lovecraft: Dreamer on the Nightside
- In Memoriam: Howard Phillips Lovecraft—Recollections, Appreciations, Estimates
- Juvenalia 1897-1905
- Lovecraft: A Biography
- Lovecraft at Last
- The Lovecraft Collectors Library
- Marginalia
- The Occult Lovecraft
- The Outsider and Others
- The Private Life of H. P. Lovecraft
- Reader's Guide to H. P. Lovecraft
- The Roots of Horror in the Fiction of H. P. Lovecraft
- Saturnalia and Other Poems
- Selected Letters: 1911-1937
- The Shuttered Room and Other Pieces
- Some Notes on a Nonentity
- Something about Cats and Other Pieces
- Supernatural Horror in Literature
- Uncollected Prose and Poetry
- Writings in the United Amateur 1915-1925
Articles in English
- Demythologizing Cthulhu
- The Development of Lovecraftian Studies 1971-82
- The Dunwich Chimera and Others: Correlating the Cthulhu Mythos
- H. P. Lovecraft: The Hawthorne Influence
- H. P. Lovecraft: Myth Maker
- Higher Criticism and the Necronomicon
- Howard Phillips Lovecraft and Sex: Or the Sex Life of a Gentleman
- In Defense of Dagon
- The Lord of R'lyeh
- Notes on the Prose Realism of H. P. Lovecraft
- On the Fascination of Horror Stories, Including Lovecraft's
- Tales of the Marvellous and the Ridiculous
- Who Needs the 'Cthulhu Mythos'?
Books In French
- L'Affair Charles Dexter Ward
- L'Air et les songes
- Aspects du mythe
- La Couleur tombée du ciel
- Dagon et autres récits de terreur
- Dans l'abime du temps
- Démons et Merveilles
- Epouvante et surnaturel en littérature
- L'Horreur dans le musée: les révisions de Lovecraft
- Introduction à la littérature fantastique
- Je suis d'ailleurs
- Lettres
- Le Matin des magiciens
- Night Ocean et autres nouvelles
- Par-delà le mur du sommeil
- La Poétique de l'Espace
- La Séduction de l'étrange
- La Terre et les rêveries du repos
Articles in French
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Cited By
- Autobiography in Lovecraft
- The Dream World And The Real World In Lovecraft
- Landscapes, Selves, and Others in Lovecraft
- Lovecraft's Alien Civilizations: A Political Interpretation
- Outsiders and Aliens: The Uses of Isolation in Lovecraft's Fiction
- Reality And Knowledge: Some Notes on the Aesthetic Thought of H. P. Lovecraft
- The Structure Of Lovecraft's Longer Narratives
page revision: 16, last edited: 27 Aug 2014 01:42