An Epicure In The Terrible (1991)
An Epicure in the Terrible: A Centennial Anthology of Essays in Honor of H. P. Lovecraft
David E. Schultz, S. T. Joshi (Eds.)
1991 Farleigh Dickinson University Press


A collection of essays concerning H. P. Lovecraft and his work. Later revised and updated as An Epicure in the Terrible (2011), using more current and correct sources.


  1. Abbreviations, 9
  2. Preface by David E. Schultz, 11-12
  3. Introduction by S. T. Joshi, 15-44

I. Biographical

  1. The Parents of Howard Phillips Lovecraft by Kenneth W. Faig, Jr., 45-77
  2. The Cosmic Yankee by Jason C. Eckhardt, 78-100
  3. H. P. Lovecraft and the Pulp Magazine Tradition by Will Murray, 101-134

II. Thematic Studies

  1. On Lovecraft's Themes: Touching the Glass by Donald R. Burleson, 135-147
  2. Letters, Diaries, and Manuscripts: The Handwritten Word in Lovecraft by Peter Cannon, 148-158
  3. Outsiders and Aliens: The Uses of Isolation in Lovecraft's Fiction by Stefan Dziemianowicz, 159-187
  4. Lovecraft's Cosmic Imagery by Steven J. Mariconda, 188-198
  5. From Microcosm to Macrocosm: The Growth of Lovecraft's Cosmic Vision by David E. Schultz, 199-219
  6. Landscapes, Selves, and Others in Lovecraft by Robert H. Waugh, 220-246

III. Comparative and Genre Studies

  1. Lovecraft's "Artificial Mythology" by Robert M. Price, 247-256
  2. Lovecraft and the Tradition of the Gentleman Narrator by R. Boerem, 257-272
  3. The Artist as Antaeus: Lovecraft and Modernism by Norman R. Gayford, 273-297
  4. Synchronistic Worlds: Lovecraft and Borges by Barton Levi St. Armand, 298-323
  1. Contributors, 324-326
  2. Bibliography, 327-338
  3. Index, 339-347

Works Cited

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