The Four Faces Of "The Outsider"
The Four Faces Of The Outsider
Dirk W. Mosig
Nyctalops 9 (1974)


Mosig's influential analysis of H. P. Lovecraft's "The Outsider," detailing five methods of interpretation or "faces" of the tale: 1) autobiographical, 2) analytic (as an allegory of the psyche), 3) "anti-metaphysical" (the absurdity of destiny), 4) philosophical ("man's position in a mechanistic universe"), and 5) an allegorical critique of progress.

Translated into Italian as "Le quattro facce dell'estraneo" in Il Re in Giallo 1:2 (1977).

Abridged and translated into German as "Eine analytische Interpretation: 'Der Aussenseiter', ein Allegorie der Psyche" in Quarber Merkur 15:1 (1977).

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  • Il Re in Giallo 1:2 (Italian-language)
  • Nyctalops 9
  • Quarber Merkur 15:1 (abridged, German-language)
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